Being still
I find it is easier to be on the move, think about what’s next, plan and organise for upcoming projects than to be still.
I’m currently in my childhood home in France, in “transit” between Kenya and Sweden, and I am trying to be still, just enjoying spending time with my family, reconnecting with old friends and nurturing those valuable relationships.
I love being in those moments but I also get impatient. I want to grow Align the Dots, meet new people, date, discover a new city. That’s what I look forward to when I’m in Sweden. And Sweden, with all that excitement and newness, will still be there when I move to Stockholm in August.
I feel like I’m walking on stepping stones across a river and I can’t wait to reach the other side. But if I go too fast or skip some steps, I’ll miss the fish swimming in the river, the birds chirping in the trees, the wind blowing in the grass along the riverbank and I’d miss out.
When was the last time you sat still to look around and within you? What do you see?